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The combat system has undergone some fairly extensive changes. Characters no longer learn to use specific weapons but rather become ranked in weapon types. There have also been numerous changes and additions to add more tactical flavor to the combat system while trying to maintain the playability and flavor of the original system.
Combat Sequence
Actions of higher initiative characters are resolved first. Characters may defer their movement until later if so desired.
Initiative for non-engaged groups: D10 + Leaders Perception + Leaders Military Scientist Rank.
Initiative for each engaged combatant: Modified Agility + Perception + Rank with prepared weapon + Weapon Master Rank.
Initiative for Adepts casting spells: Magical Aptitude + Spell Rank
Characters may attempt to Prepare and use a weapon in one round with the Quick Draw action.
Some weapons are small enough or designed so that they can be prepared and used very quickly (see weapon table). For other weapons carried in a sheath, the character must make a [4 x Manual Dexterity]% roll to successfully prepare the weapon quickly enough to not count as an action. For all others (bows must already be strung), the character must make a [3 x Manual Dexterity]% roll. The player must declare this attempt in addition to whatever other actions the character is trying to do that turn before rolling for the success.
Failure to make this roll means the weapon is not prepared in time for use this turn, but it is prepared and can be used next turn at no penalty. A roll of more than 30% over the chance (or 100), however, indicates a fumble. The character must make a [4 x Manual Dexterity]% roll or drop the weapon. Even if the character manages to not drop the weapon, it remains unprepared.
Players may declare an attempt to quick draw in combination with some action other than attacking, such as Evading and quick drawing. If the character fails the roll (not catastrophically) then they were unable to Prepare the weapon, and they must Prepare the weapon the next turn (they are already committed to that action), at which time they may choose to again combine it with another action.
The Strike Chance of an attacking character is a combination of the Base Chance for the weapon skill or attack plus modifiers for the weapon, Rank, and Manual Dexterity.
To attack with any weapon in which a character is unranked, the Base Strike Chance is ([Base Chance of Skill] + [Manual Dexterity] + [Weapon Modifiers])%. If the character is Ranked with that weapon, then add ([Modified Manual Dexterity] + [4 x Rank])% to the Base Strike Chance.
The Weapon Modifiers are a combination of several factors:
Every weapon has a base modifier, meaning it is either slightly easier or harder to hit with the typical skill for that weapon. This is based on the weapon type but will be further modified by the quality of craftsmanship.
Each weapon also has minimum Physical Strength and Manual Dexterity requirements, and if the character does not meet those requirements, subtract 5% for each point below the minimum. The PS requirement for 1-handed weapons can be reduced by 5 by using it two-handed (thereby giving reason for a +1 to damage if used two-handed with the normal PS requirement). Furthermore, reduce the damage by 1 for each 5 or fraction of 5 points of PS below the minimum. An exceptionally strong character may attempt to use a normally 2-handed weapon with one hand, but the required Physical Strength is 8 over the normal requirement.
Most weapons do not have Manual Dexterity requirements. Of those that do, some may be more danger to the user if they have insufficient Manual Dexterity. Consider a klutz with Nunchaku
The reach of a weapon and the room needed to effectively use it can provide distinct advantages or disadvantages in combat.
Some races, due to their size, will be treated in Melee combat as if their weapons were one size smaller.
Weapons are broken into six size categories: Extra Small (XS), Small(S), Medium(M), Large(L), Extra Large(XL), and Extra Extra Large (XXL). XL weapons can be used to attack targets two hexes away, and XXL weapons can reach into the third hex away but can only be used effectively in the second hex.
If an attackers weapon is one size category smaller than the defenders weapon, then the attacker suffers a -5% penalty on his Strike Chance.
If an attackers weapon is two or more size categories smaller than the defenders weapon, then the attacker suffers a -15% penalty to his Strike Chance.
Characters using XXL weapons on opponents only one hex away suffer a -15% on their Strike Chance.
Characters using B or C class Large or Extra Large weapons require a significant amount of room. They suffer a -20% penalty if they do not have sufficient room to use it.
Any character who is the target of a Charging attack and is using an A-Class Pole Weapon may get to attack the attacker. See section 96.11 for details.
Most weapons will be of some defensive value when used in Melee combat.
Every weapon has a Defensive Value which is ([Rank with weapon] x [Weapon Defensive Modifier])%.
If the weapon is wielded in the primary hand, then 1 is subtracted from its Defensive Modifier for each 5 points under the Physical Strength requirement.
If the weapon is wielded in the secondary hand, then 1 is subtracted from its Defensive Modifier for each 5 points under the Physical Strength requirement plus 5. Furthermore, 1 is subtracted if the weapon is not being used with the Parrying Weapon or Shield skill.
Shields are considered 1 rank higher than the actual rank for determining their Defensive Value. Only the Defensive Value of shields counts towards ranged attacks. Other weapons only contribute to defense in Melee Combat.
Refer to the sections on Parrying Weapons (96.13) and Shields (96.14) for special considerations with those weapon types.
The contribution of prepared weapons to defense depends on the aggressiveness of a character during a round. There are four levels of aggressiveness which can be adopted during a turn.
The characters Base Defense is equal to their Modified Agility. This will be further modified by the Defensive Values of prepared weapons and by the characters aggressiveness during the combat pulse. In addition to evading or performing a "standard" attack, characters can choose to do an all-out attack or a defensive attack during a turn.
The standard attack is, as the name would suggest, the usual posture adopted in combat. It allows for respectable offense without sacrificing defense. Add the defensive value of each prepared weapon to the characters Base Defense.
An all-out attack means that the character is giving no thought whatsoever to defense while concentrating wholeheartedly on the attack. The characters defense is 0%, but they get a bonus of +20% on all attack rolls.
When performing a defensive attack the character is primarily focused on defense, but is still looking for an opening to attack. There is a -20% on all attack rolls, but the defensive value of prepared weapons is doubled. The character can also attempt a Parry when any attack misses by at least 50%.
Evading is considered a separate action from attacking because the character is making no offensive actions that pulse. The defensive value of prepared weapons is doubled and an additional 10% is added to their normal defense. (This is replacing the 10% + 4% per rank in the original rules, ref. 13.2). Furthermore, the character can attempt a Parry when any attack misses by at least 30%.
Weapon Defensive Values apply only to attacks from the characters melee zone. Shield Defense only applies to the two melee hexes covered by the shield (see 96.14).
Flail-like weapons are much more difficult to defend against.
Halve the weapon (or shield) defense against weapons of this type.
Ranged attacks at targets which are partially sheltered are subject to penalties.
The Penalty should be proportional to the amount of the target which is obscured. For each third of the target obscured, subtract 20% from the Strike Chance. A Kneeling target would be considered one-third obscured (-20%), and a Prone target would be considered two-thirds obscured (-40%).
If the target is partially obscured by other characters in the line of fire, then apply a -10% penalty to the Strike Chance for each character in the path plus 20% for being obscured.
If the roll to hit misses by an amount less than the penalty for being sheltered, then the weapon has struck whatever was sheltering the target. If the roll is greater than that modifier, then there is a chance it may strike something on the far side of the target along the line of fire.
A character with exceptional strength will do extra damage with a given weapon. (ref. 18.5)
For B- and C-class weapons, the damage done is increased by 1 for every 5 points of Strength above the minimum required Strength. However, unless the weapon is especially strengthened for such use, this will increase the chance of breakage by 4% per extra point.
For A-class weapons other than bows, the damage is not increased for greater strength. Instead, the effective armor value of the target is reduced by 1 per 5 points of Physical Strength over the minimum.
The damage is not modified by skill. Better skill affects damage through an increase in the chance of doing damage directly to Endurance and causing Grievous Injuries.
It is possible to break your weapon AND do damage to your opponent, contrary to rule 18.5. 99% is the only automatic miss, so if a 98% would normally hit but the extra strength makes it a breakage check, then the weapon hits AND may break.
Charging attacks will add to the damage inflicted by a weapon.
When a character makes a charging attack with an A-Class Pole Weapon, they will do an extra point of damage per hex they traveled in a straight line prior to the attack (maximum of their TMR). This damage bonus will also apply to defenders using Pole Weapons with the Pike skill on the receiving end of a Charge. Furthermore, whoever has the longer reach weapon will make their attack first, even if it is out of turn. Thus the defender with a pike planted will be able to attack the charging knight on horseback even though it is currently the knights move. If the weapon lengths are equal, then the defender attacks first. The attacker will get a +20% bonus to their Strike Chance. The defender will get the same bonus, unless they already moved that turn or if they fail a Will Power check (only for standing ground against large charging attackers - such as the knight on horse).
Charging attacks with non-A-Class or non-Pole Weapons will do an extra point of damage per two hexes they traveled in a straight line prior to the attack (maximum of their TMR). If the weapon is a shield, the attacker will get a +20% bonus on their Strike Chance. Otherwise, they will get a -15% penalty.
The chance of breaking a weapon used in a Charging attack is increased by 2% per extra point of damage.
The damage of any natural attack is affected by greater strength.
For any animal using a natural attack, the damage is increased by 1 for each 3 points of Physical Strength over the racial minimum. (This does not apply to character races or Dragons).
The attack damage for the main character races is [D-4] (+1 per 3 points of Physical Strength over 15). This damage is not increased with rank in Unarmed skill, but at higher ranks characters can start using their legs for attacks. Starting at rank 2, characters may attempt Trip attacks, and at rank 4 they can perform kicking attacks which do one more point of damage over their base unarmed combat damage. For kicking attacks, if the character misses by 30 or more, they will be thrown off-balance and must roll ([2 x Agility] + [5 x Rank])% or fall to the ground.
Due to their size and exceptional strength, Dragons add [PS / 10] to the damage from a Bite or Claw attack and [PS / 20] to damage from Tail attacks. (+4 to +12 damage is far too wimpy for something with 200+ Physical Strength!)
Some types of armor are less effective against certain forms of attack.
Rigid armor is much less effective against crushing attacks (ask a knight why war hammers and maces became popular). The armor value of such armor is reduced by 3 against hafted C-Class weapons. This includes any mail or plate armor.
Forms of chain- and ring-mail are less effective against piercing attacks. The armor value is reduced by 1 against A class weapons. This includes chainmail, ringmail, and partial plate.
The new data for armor types are listed in a table at the end of these supplemental rules.
A victim of a Grievous Injury is subject to some special considerations and penalties. (ref 18.3)
If the roll on the Grievous Injury table falls within any of the ranges specified for the weapon used, then a Specific Grievous Injury has been done, and the effects of that Injury are applied. The effects described here are applied regardless of whether the Injury is Specific or not:
A character suffering a Grievous Injury is not automatically stunned unless so stated in the description of the Specific Grievous Injury.
A character who suffers a Grievous Injury while wearing armor has the armor's Protection Rating reduced by 2 until repaired. If the character is using a shield, the shield may be cloven instead, in which case it becomes completely useless.
An attacker using a weapon which is capable of multiple classes of damage may specify that the weapon is being used to inflicted only one of those classes of damage. In such a case, the roll for Grievous Injuries must fall within the range for that particular class of damage in order to inflict a Specific injury. A character cannot inflict a type of damage unless it can be cause by both the weapon and the skill used.
Some natural attacks do not easily fall into one Class of damage - teeth can do piercing (A) damage or tearing (B) damage. For such attacks, it is left to the GMs discretion whether a Specific Grievous Injury rolled is possible given the form of attack.
The range for Class A weapons is expanded from 01-20 to 01-25.
Hafted A-Class weapons (such as picks & war hammers) may get stuck in the target if they do at least 5 points of effective damage.
Any hafted weapon which does A-Class damage may potentially get stuck in the target. If more than 5 points of effective damage is done, then the Attacker needs to roll D100 less than [2 x (Physical Strength + Manual Dexterity + Rank with weapon) - Effective Damage]%.
If the weapon is stuck, then the character must make a [4 x Physical Strength]% roll to recover it each turn afterwards until it is recovered. The weapon, once retrieved, is considered prepared and can be used the same turn as it is recovered.
If an excessive amount of damage is done in a single blow, then there is an increased chance of inflicting a Grievous Injury
If the total damage done in one blow (after armor) exceeds an entitys normal Endurance, then there is an automatic roll on the Grievous Injury table. There will be additional rolls for every 10 points over the Endurance rating. The effects of any valid Specific Grievous Injuries are applied.
This does not apply if the hit was directly affecting the targets Endurance (in which case it is dead anyway).
Missile or Thrown weapons will do less damage at greater ranges, but may stick in the target.
Missile weapons will do one point less damage if the range is over half the weapons maximum range. Thrown weapons will do 2 fewer points of damage.
If a Missile or Thrown weapon does 3 or more effective points of damage to the target, then the weapon will stick in the target.
The Parrying Weapon skill applies to use of any one-handed weapon (except shields) in the secondary hand for primarily defensive purposes.
The skill is intended for knives such as the Main Gauche which are designed for parrying, but it can be applied to other weapons.
If a character declares they are using a weapon with the Parrying Weapon skill, then the weapon's Defensive Value is calculated using this skill.
Furthermore, if the character performs an attack with a weapon other than a knife, then the attack is performed at a rank equivalent to the lower of the weapon and the Parrying Weapon skills. Example: A character with Longsword 2 and Parrying Weapon 7 is using broadswords in both hands. To get more defensive benefit from the broadsword in the secondary hand, the character uses it with the Parrying Weapon skill. However, any attacks made with it then would be with the Parrying Weapon skill at rank 2 plus the -20% for attacking with the secondary hand.
Shields are a special piece of combat equipment, and are subject to several additional rules.
Shields only cover the center melee hex and the melee hex on the shield side.
For purposes of calculating a shields defensive value, the shield is considered to be one rank higher than the characters shield skill.
Shields can be used to absorb damage. Whenever a character using a shield is struck by an attack from one of their two shield hexes, roll D% against their defense to see if the character was able to absorb some of the damage with the shield. A Buckler can absorb 1 point of damage, and other shields can absorb 2 points of damage. The number of times a shield can be used to absorb damage is equal to its weight in pounds. Absorbed damage from an Endurance shot counts as two hits, and if used against a Grievous Injury the shield is automatically cloven (even if not successful in absorbing damage).
If an attacker misses with a Shield Rush (ref. 16.5) by greater than 30%, then the defender can attempt a Parry/Riposte. The Parry is conducted as normal for evading characters, except any result of disarming is ignored. The defender did not have to be evading during that turn, but the attacker does have to be in their melee zone.
Spiked shields do an extra 2 points of damage.
If the attacker must make a breakage check with a weapon and successfully avoids breaking it, then the weapon is damaged.
If the weapon is damaged, it does 1 point less damage until time is taken to repair it. This may be only so much as sharpening the blade. For only 1 point of damage, any character with rank in a similar weapon is capable of repairing it (someone with skill only in using quarterstaves or clubs would not be adept at sharpening swords or knives). If more damage has accumulated, it will require the attentions of a blacksmith.
Weapons may be strengthened or scaled for use by characters extraordinary in strength or size.
Weapons can be made stronger to withstand breakage due to great strength. Add 4oz to the weapon's weight for each extra point of strength required to use. For damage purposes, the original strength is used to determine how much extra damage is done due to strength. The maximum amount of strengthening that can be done on a weapon is 4 points of strength (16oz).
Weapons can also be scaled for larger or smaller entities' use. For an extra 10 points of minimum strength required, add 4 to the damage and increase the weight by a factor of four for most weapons (2.5 for polearms). Similarly, for a reduction of 5 points, reduce the damage by 4 and quarter the weight (0.4 for Polearms). Note that this is not just reinforcing the weapon as described above, but actually doubling (or halving) the scale of the weapon!
Characters can use the Sprint action during combat.
When sprinting, the characters TMR is increased by 50% (round down) and each hex-face change requires one TMR point.
No other actions are permitted when sprinting (i.e. no half TMR move and Evade or Prepare Weapon), although the character can end the move in a shield bash, A-class pole weapon attack, or try to enter close combat.
Normally, a character can make 1 free change in hex facing for each hex entered. Extra changes in hex facing cost one TMR per face change. Moving at full TMR is considered a run, and half TMR is a brisk walk or jog. Typical movement down a hallway with a fair amount of caution would be at TMR 1.
Defenders may attempt to Repulse an attacker who is trying to Close and Grapple.
If the Defender wishes to Repulse the Grapple attempt, then the Attacker rolls D%. To the result is added the Defenders Physical Strength, Modified Agility, and Rank with any Prepared Weapon (doubled for Unarmed Combat). The Attackers Physical Strength and Agility are subtracted from it. If the result is over 50, then the attack has been Repulsed.
If the attacker was performing a Charging Close and Grapple, then also subtract 3 per hex traveled in a straight line leading to the attack (but no more than Attackers TMR).
If a Charging Close and Grapple succeeds, the Defender automatically takes [D10-5] (+1 per hex traveled as described) Points of damage to Fatigue.
If a Charging Close and Grapple is Repulsed, the attacker will end up prone on the opposite side of the Defender and take the [D10-5] (+1 per hex traveled as above) damage to Fatigue. The Defender will have to make a [3 x Agility]% roll or also be knocked down and take half damage.
If the Defender has not moved for that turn, they may attempt an attack against the character attempting to Close and Grapple. They suffer a -10% penalty on their Strike Chance, but if they do enough damage to Stun the attacker, then the Grapple attempt is Repulsed.
A character may attempt to Repulse more than one Close and Grapple attack per turn, but there is a -10% penalty for each subsequent attempt. Prone characters may not Repulse any attacks.
After combat has finished, characters may rest for a short period of time and regain some of their lost fatigue due to their recent exertion.
If a character lost any fatigue during a combat (whether due to injury or magic casting), they may rest after the combat and recover some fatigue. After resting for 2 minutes, the characters can recover 1 Fatigue. If they rest for 5 minutes, they can recover 2 Fatigue. The amount of Fatigue recovered cannot exceed the Fatigue lost during the combat.
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